A quarterly newsletter from Arclin
Issue 9
February 2016

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What happens in Vegas….

We're looking forward to another great show this year. With all the recent and projected growth in construction, it's a good time to be focusing on product improvements — to meet demands for even higher performing concrete forming panels.

Stop by our meeting room, NES04, and learn about the enhancements Arclin has made to our EPIC® suite of products — or get in touch to set up a time to get together.

Visit Arclin at World of Concrete to learn about the newly enhanced EPIC suite!

It's not too late.

The opportunity for overlaid plywood panels for concrete forming is growing, along side the growth in construction and the number of commercial, residential and retail projects — both underway and planned — in 2016 and beyond.

We want to grow the market for conform panels. The best way to do that is to get the message about the benefits of conform downstream. In case you missed the survey, we've extended the deadline for responses to February 1st. Help us by completing the survey and we'll work together so we all get more pie!

Take the Survey   ›  


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Let the numbers speak for themselves!

Recent enhancements made to the EPIC suite of products are complete. The test results have been beyond expectation, with greater internal bond, and improved ability to stand up to even the harshest concrete mixes.

  • EPIC MDO 3333 – *Over 100% improvement in caustic resistance and up to 130% improvement in internal bond
  • EPIC MDO 3323 – *Up to 9% improvement in caustic resistance and up to 9% improvement in internal bond
  • EPIC MDO 3369 & 3379 – *Up to 43% improvement in caustic resistance and up to 8% improvement in internal bond

    *EPIC MDO test result compared to Arclin’s standard MDO products.
  • We're always looking at our product attributes to ensure optimal performance for our customers — and yours. Learn more about the EPIC suite.

Conform Inform was created to support Arclin and its customers in providing resources and helpful information for the entire concrete construction value chain. Please get in touch with content suggestions, requests for copies or for cobranding and distribution opportunities. Email us or forward Conform Inform to invite others to subscribe.

Conform Inform / An Arclin Newsletter
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